University of Doha for Science & Technology, Doha, Qatar | December 03-05, 2024

Symposium on Smart Sensing for e-Healthcare Applications using IoT, AI and ML Technologies


M. Aslam, Prof. Maj Gen (Retd.)

Fmr. Rector Shifa Medical Univ, Islamabad, Pakistan

Shaftab Ahmed, Engr.

Fmr. Assoc Prof Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan

Ahmad Abdel-Hafez, Ph.D.

College of Computing and IT, UDST, Doha, Qatar

Omer Koksal, Ph.D.

College of Computing and IT, UDST, Doha, Qatar


Medical communication is a fast-growing interdisciplinary field supporting the processes of diagnosis, treatment, monitoring, and medication etc., captured as eHealthcare medical records (EMR). Internet of Things (IoT) cloud convergence can play a significant role in smart healthcare by offering better insight into heterogeneous healthcare content (e.g., X-rays, ECG, MRI, ultrasound images, clinical notes, claims, and so on) to support affordable and quality patient care.

The technologies used for such applications include:

Sensor networks using light to derive functional parameters and physiological activity in-situ and in-vivo/ex-vivo are vital in medical treatment nowadays. The real-life sensing of biological functions and activities are critical components of remote sensing in telemedicine.

Communications and Network Technologies:

The advances in networks, communication technologies and web engineering play an important role in offering medical services and eHealthcare solutions. Sensor-networks exploit personal wearable devices used to measure various clinical parameters of a patient. Such an exercise is useful for diagnostics, post operation monitoring and rehabilitation in case of serious injuries, heart attacks or brain trauma triage. Physiological sensors are available for temperature, humidity, blood pressure, and heartbeat measurements and recording. The implementation of high-speed broad-band data 5G data transfer has provided the opportunity of limitless data streaming of virtually all patients equipped with implantable and wearable devices that contain monitoring and sensing equipment.

Informatics for Healthcare:

The healthcare informatics is handled mainly in three tiers i.e. organizational, operational and technological realms, all largely depending on communication. The network communication between patients, medics, and management links all relevant data.

Challenges and Opportunities:

The eHealthcare industry has great potential and opportunities nonetheless faces enormous challenges as well. In this regard and context AI and ML have potential to address the needs.

Potential topics of discussion include but are not limited to the following:

• Intelligent techniques for IoT cloud enabled connected healthcare
• Enabling IoT cloud convergence technologies for smart healthcare
• Machine learning for medical sensorial big data analytics
• Energy-efficient data offloading and computing for smart sensors in healthcare applications
• Medical IoT and big data analytics
• IoT cloud for human activity monitoring
• Context-aware situation understanding for smart healthcare
• Deep learning approaches for smart healthcare
• Privacy and security issues in sensorial data management of smart healthcare
• Dynamic resource provisioning for mobile healthcare
• Techniques, algorithms, and methods of processing smart healthcare data over the IoT cloud


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Symposium Speakers:

Mohammad Ilyas
Professor, E&CS, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton
Florida, USA

talk details
M. Aslam
Prof., Fmr. Rector Shifa Medical Univ,
Islamabad, Pakistan

talk details
Ahmed S. Khan
Professor of Electrical Engineering
Fulbright Specialist Scholar
Ex. Dean of the College of Engineering & Information Sciences
DeVry University, Addison, Illinois, IL, USA

talk details